- Cutting from a 15th-century gradual : in Latin].1
- Cutting from a ca. 15th-century ferial psalter : in Latin].1
- Cynthia, seu, Elegarium libri tres].1
- De Genesi ad litteram].1
- De civitate Dei1
- De contemplatione Christi].1
- De meditatione passionis christi per septem diei horas libellus ... etc. : in Latin and Italian].1
- De re uxoria].1
- Devotional book1
- Devotional picture book].1
- Devotional prayer book : in Latin].1
- Devotional texts1
- Dits des philosophes. Le mireon aux pecheurs. Le livre Griseledis. Le mireon des pecheurs.1
- Divinae institutiones].1
- Documents1
- Dogale1
- Dominical processional].1
- Epistles : in Latin].1
- Excerpts from the Divine Office : for the use of the Poor Clares of Corpo de Christo : in Latin and Italian].1
- Explanatio Psalmorum XII].1