- Book of hours : use of Rennes : in Latin].1
- Book of hours : use of Rouen.1
- Book of hours : use of Sarum.1
- Book of hours : use of St-Brieuc or Dôl : in Latin and French].1
- Book of hours : use of Utrecht : in Dutch].1
- Book of hours : use of Utrecht : in Flemish].1
- Breve dell'Arte degli Albergatori1
- Breviary : Cistercian use : in Latin].1
- Breviary : Franciscan use : in Latin].1
- Carta ejecutoria de hidalguia, 1517 July 20, in favor of Rodrigo de Oviedo : in Spanish].1
- Carta ejecutoria, Sancho de Almazán and Juan de la Cámara vs. the Town Council of Arenas : in Spanish].1
- Carta executoria de hidalguia a pedimiento : de Alonso de Montalvan, vezino de la ciudad de Sevilla.1
- Carta executoria de hidalguia a pedimiento : de Martin Gomez y Pedro Gomez, hijos de Diego Gomez, vezinos de la villa de Valaderey.1
- Cartulary1
- Charter1
- Chronique anonyme universelle].1
- Comoediae].1
- Compendium theologicae veritatis].1
- Cutting from a 15th-century Bible : in Latin].1
- Cutting from a 15th-century Italian choirbook].1