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- 14 leaves from a mid-13th-century Bible : in Latin].1
- Acknowledgment of debts incurred by Louis, Duke of Orléans, and his company, to be paid by Jean, Duke of Berry : in French].1
- Alexandreis : with gloss : in Latin].1
- Algorismus2
- Almanac1
- Antiphonal : in Latin].2
- Antiphonary16
- Arithmetica theorica].1
- Ars computistica1
- Astronomical canon tables].1
- Astronomical miscellany : in Latin].1
- Beauvais Missal1
- Bible11
- Bible : Old and New Testament : in Latin].3
- Bible commentary2
- Bible historiale].1
- Biblia pauperum].1
- Bifolium from a 15th-century gradual : in Latin].1
- Bifolium from a ca. 15th-century gradual : in Latin].1
- Book of hours18