- Bahjat al-maḥāfil2
- Biblical expositions2
- Book of Daniel2
- Commentary2
- Commentary on Daniel2
- Commentary on Job2
- Commentary on Matthew2
- Commentary on Pauline Epistles2
- Commentary on Romans2
- Distinctiones2
- Fath al-Bari2
- Gospel of Luke2
- Gospels2
- Hadith2
- Historia scholastica2
- Homilies2
- Irshād al-ʻaql al-salīm ilá mazāyā al-Kitāb al-Karīm2
- Jamʻ al-wasāʾil fī sharḥ al-Shamāʾil2
- Karmaprakāśikāvṛtti2
- Legal text2