- Kabbalah2
- Laws2
- Maḥzor2
- Pentateuch2
- Sefer Mitzvot Gadol2
- Sefer ha-Ḳanon ... etc..2
- Astronomical text1
- Bet Elohim. Shaʻar ha-shamayim.1
- Beʼurim shonim ʼal mʼkomoth yʼduʼim bat Talmud1
- Book of Numbers1
- Canon of Medicine1
- Commentaries on Aristotle and Porphyry1
- Commentary on Isaiah1
- Commentary on Lamentations1
- Commentary on the Pentateuch1
- Commentary to Tehillat Hashem1
- Decorated Hebrew manuscript leaves1
- Deuteronomy1
- Drafts of Surath Ha-Ares and Shesh Kenaphayim1
- Epithome artis epistolaris1