- Atharvaśiras upaniṣad1
- Atharvaśiropaniṣad2
- Atharvaśīrṣa1
- Atharvaṇadviślokī1
- Atharvaṇarahasya3
- Athaḥ utsarjanopākarmaprāraṁbhaḥ1
- Atmabodha1
- Auction records1
- August1
- Auntient fathers for the doctrine of the Church of England1
- Aupāsanahoma1
- Aurdhvadehikapaddhati1
- Aurora9
- Aurora].1
- Authorization of sale1
- Autobiography3
- Autograph letter signed : Rome, to Filippo and Andre de Perodoles of Ferrara,1
- Autograph letter signed : Wittenberg, to John the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony,1
- Autograph letter signed, philippus : to Johann Agricola,1
- Avacchedakalakṣaṇa ṭippaṇī1