- Shirʻat al-Islām2
- Tawḍīḥ maqāṣid al-Alfīyah2
- Travel writings2
- Will and probate2
- al-Adhkār2
- Ḥāshiyah ʻalá al-Sharḥ al-mutawassiṭ2
- Accounts1
- Acta professorum Academiae Vitebergensis1
- Alfīyah1
- Apologetic text1
- Arabic grammatical text1
- Arabic text1
- Arbaʻīn ḥadīth1
- Arithmetica theorica].1
- Armorial1
- Astrological texts1
- Auction records1
- Autobiography1
- Autograph letter signed : Wittenberg, to John the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony,1
- Autograph letter signed, philippus : to Johann Agricola,1