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- 14 leaves from a mid-13th-century Bible : in Latin].1
- 2 leaves from the Etymologiae : in Latin].1
- Account book2
- Accounts1
- Acknowledgment of debts incurred by Louis, Duke of Orléans, and his company, to be paid by Jean, Duke of Berry : in French].1
- Aeneid1
- Aesop's fables1
- Agreement1
- Album amicorum1
- Alexandreis : with gloss : in Latin].1
- Almagest1
- Altar card1
- Antiphonary9
- Antiquitates Judaicae1
- Apologia cuiusdam regiae famae studiosi : qua caesariani regem christianissimum, arma, et auxilia turcica evocasse vociferantes, impuri mendacii et flagitiosae calumniae manifeste arguuntur.1
- Apologia pro rege Christianissimo contra Caesarianos1
- Arbre des batailles1
- Armorial1
- Ars moriendi : in French].1
- Ars poetica1