- Bṛhajjātaka3
- Castle Hours3
- Cato maior de senectute3
- Caṇḍīstotraprayogavidhi3
- Commentary on Job3
- Commentary on Lāmīyat al-afʻāl3
- Commentary on Matthew3
- Commentary on Romans3
- Commentary on Saadi3
- Compendium theologicae veritatis3
- Condition of obligation3
- Confessio amantis3
- Confessional3
- Confessions3
- Conveyance of land3
- Cronica de los reyes Catolicos3
- Cutting from a 15th-century antiphonal : in Latin].3
- Daśakumāracarita3
- De consideratione3
- De institutione musica3