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- Bible5
- Sharh Majmaʻ al-Bahrayn4
- Gospels3
- Kanz al-wuṣūl ilá maʻrifat al-uṣūl3
- Music3
- New Testament3
- Texts on jurisprudence2
- Binding fragment1
- Breviary1
- Commentary on Decretals of Gregory IX1
- De intellectu1
- Gospel of Mark1
- Lectionary1
- Missal1
- Qunyat al-munyah li-tatmīn al-Ghunyah1
- Sermons1
- Sharḥ al-Manār1
- Shokoku kinginzan shikiguchi yotsudome narabini shokoya shodōgu naigai no zu1
- Speculum historiale1
- Tabyīn al-ḥaqāʼiq1