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- Cartulary1
- Charter1
- Deed for sale of land : Castella Petrosa, to Atrianus, son of Stevelus, and Bonetinus, son of John,1
- Deed for sale of land : Naples,1
- Document1
- Documents concerning land owndership2
- Family documents1
- Grant in tail of real property from Johanna Hawkeslowe senior, Walter Lane, and William Reddeberede to Johanna Hawkeslowe junior and Ellen (Hawkeslowe) Palmer : in Latin].1
- Grant of property, 1426 August 4, by John Cleseby, Thomas Makeblythe and John Wardale to Robert and Katharine Plays and to John Trollope and Agnes (Cleseby) Trollope : in Latin].1
- Grant transferring land lease to Stephen del Bouwe : in Latin].1
- Indenture for a messuage : Higham, Suffolk, to Robert de Hovedene,1
- Indenture for a messuage of 120 acres : Mogerhanger, Charlton and Blownham, to John Andrews and William Wilson,1
- Interest register1
- Inventory1
- Land contract1
- Land grant1
- Lease2
- Lehnbuch1
- Les droys feodaulx extraictz et reduictz dallement en langue romayne ou francoyse1
- Register2