- Martyrologium].1
- Matins1
- Miscellany of works of logic and philosophy : in Latin /1
- Missal1
- Missal : in Latin].1
- Missal : use of York : in Latin].1
- Monastic constitutions1
- Navādir Majmūʻah-ʼi Yaʻqūbī1
- Offices of the Mother of God : in Church Slavic].1
- Painting1
- Papal bull1
- Passionale : in Latin].1
- Passionarium omnes quatuor passiones].1
- Petitions1
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple1
- Privilege1
- Processional1
- Psalter : in Latin].1
- Psalter : use of Sarum : in Latin].1
- Psalter : with canticles and Litany : in Latin with some rubrics in French].1