- Bayān ghurbat al-Islām bi-wāsiṭat ṣinfay al-mutafaqqihah wa-al-mutafaqqirah min ahl Miṣr wa-al-Shām wa-mā yalīhima min bilād al-aʻjām1
- Bible1
- Biblical expositions1
- Book of hours : use of Rennes : in Latin].1
- Book of hours : use of Utrecht : in Dutch].1
- Burhan ül-arifin1
- Calendar1
- Carta ejecutoria1
- Cevahir ül-kelimat1
- Commentary on Knox1
- Compendiosa historia Hispanica1
- Compositione1
- Confessio amantis1
- De consolatione philosophiae1
- De opificio Dei1
- Document1
- Dominici Capranici Card1
- Durr al-muntaẓam bi-al-shiʻr al-multazam fī madḥ al-Nabī1
- Eclogues1
- Fatāwá1