- De libero arbitrio1
- Delail ül-şerif şerhi1
- Devotional prayer book : in Latin].1
- Dhukhr al-ʻālamayn fī sharḥ Duʻāʾ-i ṣanamayn1
- Durrah al-muḍīʼah fī sharḥ ḥizb al-Shādhilīyah ... [etc1
- Epistle to the Ephesians1
- Epistolary1
- Evrad-i Şeyh Pir Baha1
- Farhang-i muṣṭalaḥāt al-shuʻarāʼ1
- Fatāwá1
- Franciscan texts1
- Ghāyat al-maṭlab fī al-rahn idhā dhahab ... etc.1
- Gospel lessons for the Office of the Dead : use of Chartres.1
- Gospel of Matthew1
- Grammatical texts1
- Havens Hours1
- Historiated initial1
- Historical texts1
- Hours of the Virgin1
- Hybrid book of hours : use of Rome.1