- Book of hours : use of Sarum.1
- Book of hours : use of St-Brieuc or Dôl : in Latin and French].1
- Book of hours : use of Utrecht : in Flemish].1
- Book of invocations1
- Book of spells1
- Breviary fragments : use of Sarum,1
- Carmen in honorem beatae mariae virginis1
- Choir book1
- Codex1
- Collectarium1
- Commentary on Sentences1
- Commentary on hadiths1
- Commentary on the Lord's prayer1
- Compendium religiosi vivendi1
- Coptic texts1
- Correspondence1
- David and Bathsheba1
- Dawr al-aʻlá1
- De contemplatione Christi].1
- De laudibus beatae Mariae Virginis1