- Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta1
- Elegies1
- Elements1
- Enarrations on the Psalms1
- Enchiridion1
- Epigrammata1
- Epigrammata].1
- Epistles1
- Epistles : in Latin].1
- Epistola ad Mahumetem1
- Epistolae1
- Epitome rerum Romanorum1
- Epodes1
- Excerpts from the Divine Office : for the use of the Poor Clares of Corpo de Christo : in Latin and Italian].1
- Expense records1
- Explanatio Psalmorum XII].1
- Expositio in regulam S. Benedicti1
- Expositio super novem lectiones mortuorum1
- Fall of Princes1
- Fasti1