- De viris illustribus1
- De viris illustribus urbis Romae1
- De vita Caesarum1
- De vita solitaria1
- Declamatio Lucretiae1
- Deed for sale of land : Castella Petrosa, to Atrianus, son of Stevelus, and Bonetinus, son of John,1
- Deed for sale of land : Naples,1
- Deed of John Davnay, ca. 1600, granting all his lands, tenements and goods to his sons John and William : in Latin].1
- Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio1
- Deuteronomy1
- Devotional picture book].1
- Devotional prayer book : in Latin].1
- Disciplina degli spirituali1
- Divinae institutiones].1
- Documents concerning the Jesuit Order1
- Documentum de modo et arte dictandi et versificandi1
- Dogale granted by Duke of Venice Andrea Gritti to Governor of Verona Hieronymus Zane : in Latin and Italian].1
- Dominical processional].1
- Donation1
- Elegantiae linguae Latinae1