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- Antiphonary2
- Breviary2
- Papal bull2
- Poetry2
- Psalms2
- Astronomica1
- Bellum Catilinae1
- Bellum Jugurthinum1
- Book of hours1
- Choir book1
- Correspondence between Vettori and Machiavelli1
- De oratore1
- De perfectione vitae spiritualis1
- Divine Comedy1
- Document, 1486 August 9, [Quingentialis?] mandating the cancellation and annulment of an unlicensed purchase of land made by Parisium de Leffe de Medulas from Acino de Zannis de Castrognifredo :1
- Documents1
- Dogale1
- Drafts of Surath Ha-Ares and Shesh Kenaphayim1
- Epistolae1
- Factorum et dictorum1