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- Antiphonary5
- Bible commentary1
- Book of hours1
- Breviary1
- Choir book5
- Commentary on Sentences1
- Copies of documents relating to water rights in Milan.1
- Cutting from a 15th-century Italian choirbook].1
- De claustro animae1
- De primo bello Punico1
- Gradual7
- Historia hierosolymitana1
- Historiated initial2
- Legal documents1
- Li statuti & ordini facti per la Confraternitate & consortio intitulato sancta Maria Rotunda in la ecclesia de sancto Giouane retulano de milano : confirmati per le bulle apostolice del tenore infrascripto.1
- Lives of the Fathers1
- Missal3
- Prayer book1
- Satires1
- Sermons1