- De casibus virorum illustrium1
- De elevatione1
- De hominis opificio1
- De imitatione Christi1
- De oratore1
- De perfectione vitae spiritualis1
- Deed1
- Description of Portuguese cities1
- Devotional miscellany1
- Dialogue1
- Diary and book of accounts, circa 1654-1666, written from Bedfordshire (Petenhall), Cambridgeshire (Tadlow), Portsmouth, and Windsor Parke [near London?] :1
- Difference between an absolute and limited monarchy1
- Discussion of customs abuses1
- Divine Comedy1
- Document conferring nobility1
- Dogale1
- Dominican friar1
- Draft petition, 1652 [October?] 20, to the Parliament of England for support against incursion of other religious sects into the Massachusetts Bay Colony :1
- Drafts of Surath Ha-Ares and Shesh Kenaphayim1
- Endorsement on contract concerning a dowry and legacy, 1694 March 20, [St.-Germain?], France :1