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- Bible3
- Book of hours2
- Missal2
- Arguments1
- Breviary1
- Comoediae.1
- Compendium of Logic ; Commentary on the Organon ; Compendium of Moral Philosophy and Commentary on Aristotle's Moral Philosophy (Nichomachean Ethics).1
- De consideratione1
- De officiis1
- De oratore1
- De viribus herbarum1
- Dialogues1
- Epitome rerum Romanorum1
- Four historiated initials cut from an unidentified manuscript antiphonal.1
- Orationes ; In C. Sallustium Invectiva and Oratio ad Romanos ; In M. Tullium Ciceronem Invectiva.1
- Palimpsest leaf from manuscript antiphonal.1
- Pentateuch1
- Phaedo1
- Questiones super secundo sententiarum1