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- Music2
- Theological texts2
- A myrour to lewde men and wymmen1
- Collecção Corioza de varias noticias1
- Commentary on Sentences1
- Constitutionibus concilii viennensis1
- Cordiale quattuor novissimorum1
- De anima1
- De claustro animae1
- De corpore et sanguine Domini1
- Debate on the Romance of the Rose1
- Die vierundzwanzig alten1
- Epistola de perfectione vitae1
- Epithoma : seu flores in collationes patrum Johanni Cassiani.1
- Fragments1
- Le château périlleux1
- Legal documents1
- Letter1
- Liber bellorum domini1
- Liber de spiritu et anima1