- Treatise on Muslim sacred places1
- Treatise on Ottoman posts1
- Treatise on Sunnī doctrine1
- Treatise on akhlāq1
- Treatise on astronomy1
- Treatise on canon law1
- Treatise on checkers1
- Treatise on chess1
- Treatise on composing letters1
- Treatise on evil deeds1
- Treatise on forest law1
- Treatise on poverty1
- Treatise on practical mathematical calculation1
- Treatise on the Decalogue1
- Treatise on the Roman court1
- Treatise on the almucantar quadrant1
- Treatise on the authority of vicars1
- Treatise on the candelabrum1
- Treatise on the construction of an astrolabe1
- Treatise on the limpieza de sangre statutes1