- Nāsikh wa-al-mansūkh fī al-ḥadīth1
- Nāẓimat al-zuhr fī aʻdād āyāt al-Qurʼān al-sharīf wa-ikhtilāf ahl al-amṣār fīhā1
- Nūr al-fuʼād1
- Nūr al-wahhāj fī al-kalām ʻalá al-isrāʼ wa-al-miʻrāj1
- Nūr al-ʻuyūn fī talkhīṣ siyar al-amīn al-maʼmūn1
- Obituaries1
- Observationes1
- Observationes in regularum ordinis1
- Observations upon the rise and progress of the late rebellion against King Charles the First1
- Occasional services1
- Octoechos1
- Oculus sacerdotis1
- Oedipi et sphingis dialogus1
- Office for profession of female Benedictine novices : in Latin with German rubrics].1
- Office of Saint Emmeram1
- Offices of the Mother of God : in Church Slavic].1
- Officii et magistrati1
- Old Testament1
- Oleum effusum nomine tuum1
- Omnes ad praeda venient1