- Arms of the Knights of the Garter in the reign of Henry VII1
- Astrological texts1
- Astronomical text1
- Auction records1
- Aurora1
- Autograph letter signed : Wittenberg, to John the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony,1
- Autograph letter signed, philippus : to Johann Agricola,1
- Aveux et dénombrements1
- Badāʻiʻ al-ṣanāʼiʻ fī tartīb al-sharāʼiʻ1
- Bahjat al-tavārīkh1
- Bahr-ı maarif1
- Bayān al-vaqāʼiʻ1
- Baḥr al-ʻawwām fī-mā aṣāba bihi al-ʻawāmm1
- Behemisches Recht1
- Bible commentary1
- Bidāyat al-mubtadiʼ1
- Biographical texts1
- Book of Hours : Use of Paris.1
- Book of invocations1
- Book of lineage1