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- Regula1
- Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, etc. : in Italian with some Latin].1
- Responsorium : in Latin with German additions].1
- Romuleon].1
- Rule of Saint Augustine1
- Rule of St. Clare : in Latin].1
- Rule of St. Clare : with commentaries and declarations by John of Capistrano and Nicholas of Cusa : in Italian and Latin].1
- Rule of the Third Order of Franciscans : in Italian and Latin].1
- Single leaf from a Beneventan noted breviary : in Latin].1
- Summa de casibus poenitentia].1
- Summae Guillelmi Altissiodorensis1
- Summarium de vitiis et virtutibus].1
- Text on conveyancing1
- The Jewish War1
- The siege of Thebes].1
- Theological miscellany : in French].1
- Theological texts1
- Vaticinia de Summis Pontificibus : in Latin and Italian].1
- Vie de Ihesucrist].1
- Works of Cicero1