- Tārīkh-i Kashmīr2
- Tārīkh-i Vaṣṣāf2
- Tārīkh-i nigāristān2
- Vaka-yi Kerbela2
- Wasāʼil ilá maʻrifat al-Awāʼil2
- Will and probate2
- al-Adhkār2
- Ḥāshiyah ʻalá al-Sharḥ al-mutawassiṭ2
- A myrour to lewde men and wymmen1
- Absolution1
- Acknowledgement1
- Act of exchange1
- Advocate des dames1
- Affiliation1
- Al-Amali1
- Alfonso Petrucci property instructions,1
- Alfīyah1
- An inventary of all and singular the goodes and chattells and debtes of John Ffox, late of Chacumbe in the countie of Northampton, gentleman deceased : taken the seventeene daie of Januarie, anno domini a thousand five hundred ninetie twoo /1
- Antiquitates Judaicae1
- Anvār nāmah1