- Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-taʼwīl1
- Apologetic text1
- Apologia cuiusdam regiae famae studiosi : qua caesariani regem christianissimum, arma, et auxilia turcica evocasse vociferantes, impuri mendacii et flagitiosae calumniae manifeste arguuntur.1
- Apologia pro rege Christianissimo contra Caesarianos1
- Arabic grammatical text1
- Arabic text1
- Arabic texts1
- Arbaʻīn ḥadīth1
- Assise of all manner of breade1
- Assumption of guardianship1
- Astrological text1
- Astrological texts1
- Astronomical text1
- Astronomical texts1
- Auction records1
- Authorization of sale1
- Autobiography1
- Autograph letter signed : Wittenberg, to John the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony,1
- Autograph letter signed, philippus : to Johann Agricola,1
- Awāʼil al-kutub al-sittah. Thabat al-shaykh Muḥammad Ḥayāh al-Sindī al-aṣl al-Madanī ... [etc.1