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- Chronicles2
- Cena maletractati1
- City plans1
- Conditions for peace1
- Decameron1
- Documents1
- In Europam1
- Invectivae1
- Itineraries1
- Legal documents1
- Letter1
- Malefitzsachen veindlicher Bekhanntnusser1
- Map1
- Nizamiye1
- Prayer book1
- Progenies regum Britanniae1
- Text concerning the Order of the Golden Fleece1
- Treatises on the nobility1
- Von dem hochwurdigen sacrament unsers Herren1
- Ḥikāyat al-Sulṭān ibn al-Sulṭān Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh Qājār bi-Farangistān raftan1