- Inshāʼ-i Ṭughrā1
- Institucion de la regla y hermandad de la Cofadria del Sanctissimo Sacramento1
- Institutes of Justinian1
- Institutio de nomine et pronomine et verbo1
- Institutiones juris civilis1
- Institutions, or Advice to his grandson1
- Instructions to give safe passage1
- Instructions to the Ambassador to the Court of Spain1
- Instructions to the Infante's tutor1
- Instrument1
- Instrumenta feudorum castri Sone : cum privilegio comitatus in personam Don Ioannis et fratrum ac descendentium de Faelis.1
- Interest register1
- Interpretationes Vergilianae1
- Interrogatoire d'un sorcier1
- Intibāh li-muʻālajat al-bāh1
- Intikhāb-i Kitāb-i Burhān al-kifāyah1
- Intikhāb-i Mas̲navī1
- Intikhāb-i nuskhah-i Abvāb al-jinān1
- Intiṣār1
- Invectiva ad invidum et detractorem1