- Cidasthimāla1
- Cikitsāñjana1
- Cintāmaṇiṭīkā1
- Citrabandhastotra1
- Coat of arms1
- Codex1
- Collection of Jain scripture1
- Collection of hymns and mantras1
- Collection of late Vedic upaniṣads and rituals1
- Collection of sayings1
- Collection of texts by ḥāmid al-ʻImādī1
- Collecção Corioza de varias noticias1
- Commentary on Birgivi6
- Commentary on Hafez5
- Commentary on hadiths18
- Commonplace book4
- Compendium of Vratas1
- Concessions1
- Conditions of sale1
- Correspondence7