- Nuzhat al-ʻāshiqīn1
- Nyāyamakaranda1
- Nāmah-ʼi nāmī1
- Nāradagītā1
- Nūr al-fuʼād1
- Observations upon the rise and progress of the late rebellion against King Charles the First1
- Offices1
- Offices of the Mother of God : in Church Slavic].1
- Ogasawara-den saiku kata kikigaki1
- On generation and corruption1
- On perfection and penance1
- On the calibration of sundials1
- Oreste e Pylade1
- Ottoman Turkish expansion on qaṣīdat al-Burdah1
- Ouvrages de joaillerie1
- Padārthakhaṇḍanavyākhyā tīkā1
- Pakṣatārahasya1
- Panegyric1
- Papal letter1
- Paradise of a Christian Soul1