- De corpore et sanguine Domini1
- De die Iudicii1
- De hominis opificio1
- Deed1
- Deed of John Davnay, ca. 1600, granting all his lands, tenements and goods to his sons John and William : in Latin].1
- Der beyan-ı havas-ı hilye-yi şerife1
- Derrotero1
- Desengaño de Rey1
- Dhakhīrah al-fākhirah fī khuṣūṣ al-dunyā wa-al-ākhirah1
- Dhakhīrat al-ʻuqbá1
- Dhikr asmāʼ al-Nabī1
- Diary and book of accounts, circa 1654-1666, written from Bedfordshire (Petenhall), Cambridgeshire (Tadlow), Portsmouth, and Windsor Parke [near London?] :1
- Difference between an absolute and limited monarchy1
- Divan-i Nabi1
- Divançe1
- Divination texts1
- Document1
- Document conferring nobility1
- Documents concerning the Spanish royal family1
- Dogale1