- Masnavi1
- Mavāhib-i ʻalīyah1
- Mawḍūʻāt al-ʻulūm1
- Maʻālim al-tanzīl1
- Maʻānī al-daqīqah fī idrāk al-ḥaqīqah1
- Maʻārij al-nubūwah fī madārij al-futūwah1
- Maṣābīḥ al-Sunnah1
- Maṭāliʻ al-saʻīdah fī sharḥ al-Farīdah1
- Medicationis parabole1
- Medicinal recipes1
- Meditations on the Passion1
- Megillah of Esther : in Hebrew].1
- Memorandum1
- Memorial book1
- Memorial to serve God1
- Mensulae planetarum1
- Metamorphoses1
- Metaphysics (Aristotle)1
- Meḳitse nirdamim1
- Miftāḥ al-maqāṣid1