- Antiphonary47
- Antiphons1
- Anvār-i Suhaylī1
- Anwār al-malakūt fī sharḥ al-Yāqūt1
- Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-taʼwīl1
- Apologia cuiusdam regiae famae studiosi : qua caesariani regem christianissimum, arma, et auxilia turcica evocasse vociferantes, impuri mendacii et flagitiosae calumniae manifeste arguuntur.1
- Apologia pro rege Christianissimo contra Caesarianos1
- Apotheosis1
- Appointment4
- Aqui se contiene una disputa o controversia1
- Arabic commentaries1
- Arabic grammatical text5
- Arabic text2
- Arabic texts6
- Arabic-Turkish vocabulary2
- Arcadia1
- Armada de España para Inglaterra1
- Armorial2
- Arms1
- Arms of the Knights of the Garter in the reign of Henry VII1