- Document, 1538 October 18, England, concerning monies raised by the suppression of smaller monasteries, including St. Faith's Horsham, Mayden Bradley, Monkton Farley, Minster in Sheppey, Shulbrede, [Bromer?], Catesby, Michelham, Bokenham [=Beckenham?], and Penteny :1
- Documents concerning governance1
- Documents concerning income1
- Documents concerning the Jesuit Order1
- Dominici Capranici Card1
- Donation1
- Dongzhou chu gao : shi si juan /1
- Due ragionamenti ... fatti a Carlo V imperatore, et a Ferdinando re de Romani; fratelli nell'espeditione contro gli heretici et rebelli, l'anno M.D.XLVI[?1
- Durar al-lawāmiʻ fī taḥrīr Jamʻ al-jawāmiʻ1
- Durrat al-ghawwāṣ1
- Dustūr al-quḍāh1
- Eclipses luminarium1
- Edict against reforming tendencies1
- Edicts1
- Edicts concerning Jews1
- Edicts concerning Jews in Mantua.1
- Ein Gedicht1
- Ein buch zusammen gezogen auss vilen probirten kunsten1
- Ein buchlein von mannigerlei schrifftenn1
- Ein gutte ordnung1