- Apologia pro rege Christianissimo contra Caesarianos1
- Apotheosis1
- Aqui se contiene una disputa o controversia1
- Arabic commentaries1
- Arcadia1
- Armada de España para Inglaterra1
- Arms1
- Arms of the Knights of the Garter in the reign of Henry VII1
- Asrārʹnāmah1
- Assise of all manner of breade1
- Astrological text1
- Astrological texts1
- Astronomica1
- Athanasian Creed1
- Auction records1
- Aveux et dénombrements1
- Ayyuhā al-walad1
- Aḥkām al-ḥayḍ1
- Badāʻiʻ al-ṣanāʼiʻ fī tartīb al-sharāʼiʻ1
- Baharestan1