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- #tNürnbergishe Chronic von Erbauing der Städt bis 1561#1
- #tVon dem Bischoff von Wurtzburg von einer schlechter dach#1
- Abscondita naturae : collecta ab diversis philosophorum et medicorum voluminibus /1
- Absolution1
- Account book4
- Act of exchange1
- Acta professorum Academiae Vitebergensis1
- Acta pronumptiationis tenute et licentie generalis1
- Ad invictissimum Maximilianum II, el. Romanum Imperatorem Augustum : Pro fide catholica, de non concedenda Confessione Augustana.1
- Ad statutum positum sub rubrica de contractibus cum minoribus1
- Advocati Rivoalti1
- Aesop's fables1
- Agreement1
- Album amicorum1
- Alchemical texts3
- Alfonso Petrucci property instructions,1
- Alphabet1
- Altar card1
- An inventary of all and singular the goodes and chattells and debtes of John Ffox, late of Chacumbe in the countie of Northampton, gentleman deceased : taken the seventeene daie of Januarie, anno domini a thousand five hundred ninetie twoo /1
- Annotations : to Graeciae excellentium oratorum, Aeschinis et Demosthenis, orationes adversariae.1