- Commentary on Psalms1
- Complaints1
- Conclusions1
- Constitutio criminalis Carolina1
- Contemporary account of Thomas More's defense, last speech, and last meeting with his daughter Margaret1
- Correspondence1
- Counter-Reformation texts1
- Cupid and Psyche1
- Dafʻ al-iltibās ʻan munkar al-iqtibās1
- De bello Turcico1
- De los hechos de los Barbarosas1
- De mundi sphæra1
- De officiis1
- De synodis et ecclesiastica potestate1
- De vera differentia regiae potestatis et ecclesiae1
- Declaratio theatri coeli et terrae1
- Decree1
- Della espugnatione delle città e fortezze1
- Descriptions of arms1
- Dialogi1