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- Letters3
- Commentary on Gregory of Nazianzus2
- Album amicorum1
- Annotations : to Graeciae excellentium oratorum, Aeschinis et Demosthenis, orationes adversariae.1
- Bible1
- Book of Revelation1
- Calligraphy1
- Commentarius in Claudii Ptolemaei Harmonica1
- Commentary on Ethicae doctrinae elementa1
- Commentary on Parva naturalia1
- Coniecturarum liber1
- De bello suscipiendo adversus venetianos1
- De chorographia1
- Divine liturgies : in Greek].1
- Ecclesiastical text1
- Elements of Theology1
- Elizabeth Day McCormick Apocalypse1
- Erotopaegnion1
- Ethica secondo la dottrina d'Aristotile : a lo illustrissimo reverendissimo Don Hippolito da Este, secondo cardinale di Fèrrara /1
- Greek texts1