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- Antiphonary1
- Book of hours1
- Codicillus1
- Contra impedimiam1
- Copies of documents relating to water rights in Milan.1
- Il Filostrato1
- Jāmi al-ṣaḥīḥ1
- Lawāmiʻ al-anwār1
- Liber bellorum domini1
- Liber de secretis naturae1
- Prayers1
- Pretiosa margarita novella1
- Recipes and extracts on alchemy, medicine, metal-working, cosmetics, veterinary science, agriculture, wine-making, and other subjects1
- Roman de Mandevie1
- Statute1
- Teseida1
- Testamentum1
- Texts on jurisprudence1
- Theseus de Cologne1
- al-Mughnī ʻan ḥaml al-asfār fī al-asfār fī takhrīj mā fī al-Iḥyāʼ min al-akhbār1