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- Commentary on Aristotle2
- Sharḥ al-Jaghmīnī2
- Alchemical texts1
- Basis grammatice1
- Calendar1
- Commentaries on Aristotle and Porphyry1
- Commentary on Aristotle's Physics1
- Commentary on Decretals of Gregory IX1
- Commentary on Sentences1
- Commentary on the Ephemerides of Regiomontanus1
- Corpus Juris Civilis1
- Expositio in libros Posteriorum Aristotelis1
- In quatuor evangelistas1
- Kitāb-i Advār.1
- Kitāb al-qawl al-mubdiʻ fī sharḥ al-Muqniʻ1
- Liber bellorum domini1
- Literary texts1
- Moralia sunt figuris utriusque testamenti1
- Persian texts1
- Reductorium morale1