- Medical texts3
- Notarial document3
- al-Mustaṣfá3
- Astronomical texts2
- Canon of Medicine2
- Commentary on Clementine Constitutions2
- De regimine principum2
- Decretals of Gregory IX2
- Gospels2
- Grand coutumier2
- Italian manuscript2
- Khulāṣat al-fatāwá2
- Legal text2
- Letter2
- Libellus super electionibus faciendis et earum ordinandis2
- Majmaʻ al-Bahrayn2
- Mashāriq al-anwār2
- Mashāriq al-anwār al-nabawīyah min ṣiḥāḥ al-akhbār al-Muṣṭafawīyah2
- Miscellany2
- Mukhtār lil-fatwá2