- Roman de Tristan1
- Roman de la rose1
- Ruralia commoda1
- Schachzabelbuch1
- Shams ṣughrá1
- Sharḥ al-Lubāb fī ʻilm al-iʻrāb1
- Speculum humanae salvationis1
- Statuta Veneta1
- Sticherarion1
- Summa de casibus conscientiae1
- Sutra1
- Syriac manuscripts1
- Tajrīd al-uṣūl min aḥādīth al-Rasūl1
- Taula general de totes sciencies1
- The legendary history of the Jin'o-ji1
- Theological texts1
- Will1
- Works of Bernard of Clairvaux1
- Works of Richard of Saint Victor1
- Writ of indulgence1