- Diwan1
- Document1
- Donation1
- Ecclesiastical text1
- Edward Goodman Gospels1
- Elementarium doctrinae rudimentum1
- Enarrations on the Psalms1
- Epigrammata1
- Epistula de phlebotomia1
- Ethics1
- Euchologion1
- Family documents1
- Fann al-bayān1
- Fatḥ al-mubdiʻ fī sharḥ al-Muqniʻ1
- Fayḍ al-ʻamīm fī maʻná al-Qurʼān al-ʻaẓīm.1
- Fines1
- First Epistle to Timothy1
- Forme Romane curie super beneficiis et questionibus1
- Fragments from Books III-V of Qānūn fī al-ṭibb.1
- Fragments from Renaut de Montauban1