- Dalīl al-bayān1
- De bestiis1
- De natura rerum1
- Enarrations on the Psalms1
- Euchologion1
- Fann al-bayān1
- Gospel of Mark1
- Gospel of Matthew1
- Hidayah1
- Historia de preliis1
- Kitāb baʻḍ shurūḥāt dīnīyah fī al-sharīʻah al-Islāmīyah1
- Lectionary1
- Letter from Pope Innocent IV1
- Manafi al-Hayawan1
- Mishneh Torah1
- Niẓām fī al-lughah1
- Physics (Aristotle)1
- Piske ha-Rid le-seder Moʹed1
- Psalms1
- Psalter1