- Golden Legend1
- Gospel of John3
- Gospel of Luke2
- Gospel of Mark2
- Gospel of Matthew2
- Gospels11
- Gradual4
- Gregorialis1
- Hadiths7
- Hādhā Kitāb fī manāqib al-Imām al-aʻẓam Abī Ḥanīfah ibn Thābit al-Nuʻmān.1
- Hādhā Sharḥ al-Badīʻīyah al-Bāʻūnīyah1
- Hexameron1
- Hidāyat al-ḥayārá fī ajwibat al-Yahūd wa-al-Naṣārá1
- Historia ecclesiastica1
- Historia scholastica1
- Historia scholastica].1
- History of the Kings of Britain2
- Homiliae XL in Evangelia1
- Homiliae de tempore2
- Homiliary3