- Benedictional1
- Book of hours : Use of Bourges.1
- Breviary (April-November) : Dominican use : in Latin with some German rubrics].1
- Breviary : Dominican use : in Latin with German rubrics].1
- Breviary : Franciscan use : in Latin].1
- Breviary fragments : use of Sarum,1
- Canon law text1
- Clementine Constitutions1
- Collectarium1
- Commentary on Clementine Constitutions1
- Confessio Catholicae fidei Christiana1
- Corpus juris canonici1
- Devotional prayer book : in Latin].1
- Dispensation1
- Documents concerning the Jesuit Order1
- Forme Romane curie super beneficiis et questionibus1
- Gospel lessons for the Office of the Dead : use of Chartres.1
- Hybrid book of hours : use of Rome.1
- Hymns1
- Indulgence1