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- Antiphonary5
- Decretals of Gregory IX4
- Missal4
- Breviary3
- Book of hours2
- Processional2
- Psalter2
- Antiphonary : use of Lyon.1
- Astronomical texts1
- Beauvais Missal1
- Cutting from a 13th-century antiphonal : in Latin].1
- Forme Romane curie super beneficiis et questionibus1
- Gradual1
- Land grant1
- Lectionary1
- Miscellaneous manuscripts (Large),1
- Psalter : in Latin].1
- Psalter, canticles, and litany : in Latin].1
- Single leaf from a 13th-century antiphonal : in Latin].1
- Single leaf from a 13th-century breviary : in Latin].1