- Criticism, Textual1
- Cronica general de España (Ocampo, Florián de)1
- Crucifixion of Jesus Christ1
- Crusades (Second) (1147-1149)1
- Crypto-Jews--Legal status, laws, etc.1
- Cults1
- Cur Deus homo (Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury)1
- Cynics (Greek philosophy)1
- Cyropaedia (Xenophon)1
- Cyrus, the Great, King of Persia, -530 B.C. or 529 B.C.1
- Czech Republic1
- Czech Republic--Bohemia1
- Czech Republic--Brno1
- Cáceres Gatica, Alonso de1
- Dance1
- Daniel (Biblical figure)1
- Darius I, King of Persia, 548 B.C.-485 B.C.1
- De bello Gallico (Caesar, Julius)1
- De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae (Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint)1
- De interpretatione (Aristotle)1